Introduction (ME) is vehemently uninterested in obtaining and/or tracking you or anything about you.  Unfortunately we live in a world where some bad actors necessitate the collection of minimal information. This document outlines the information collected from visitors and how it is used. This policy may occasionally be updated; the most recent update was on 23-12-04.

Information Collected and Longevity

When you visit ME, the following information is logged and retained for 2 weeks for security purposes:

  • Browser client (Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc.)
  • IP address (a number that can identify your location to some extent)
  • Pages visited

Additionally, IP addresses are embedded into Session IDs.  Session IDs are used to provide basic site functionality like voting and comments, and also to detect malicious usage. Session IDs are retained for a maximum of 1 month after your last visit.

If you sign up for email notifications, your email address may be retained until you unsubscribe, which you can do at any time.  The email distribution is only used for new content notifications, and no other purposes.

Information Removal

There are two steps required to remove all your personal information from ME.

1) Unsubscribe to email notifications (if you previously signed up)

2) Do not return to ME.  Your information will be deleted within a month.

Things this Site Does Not Do

ME does not make use of cookies, and does not participate in any web tracking or analytic services.

ME does not make use of any third party software or utilities that use cookies, web tracking, or analytic services.

ME does not share or sell any information that it collects with third parties unless legally obligated to do so.